Graphic Design | Education | UX | Branding | Typography | Research

01 LAS Interface Design
An interface prototype that leverages AI to help Translators interpret, contextualize, and transcribe foreign intelligence. This project was completed in partnership with the Laboratory for Analystic Sciences (LAS), a partnership between the intelligence community and NC State University that develops innovative technology and tradecraft to help solve mission-relevant problems.

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Spring 2023

Interface Design
User Experience
Artificial Intelligence

02 Fading Frogs
An interactive exhibit designed for the Museum of Life and Science in Durham, NC. Completed in collaboration with Kayla Rondinelli and Adam Noel, this exhibit is based on "Climate Change Implication for the Conservation of Amphibians in Tropical Environments" (Collazo, J., Terando, A., Pacific, K., & Bowden, J., 2020) in partnership with the NCSU Southeast Climate Adaptation Science Center.

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Fall 2022

Exhibit Design
User Experience
Interface Design

03 Ligature 31
Ligature is an annual design symposium run by students in UF’s Graphic Design Program. During the 2021 – 2022 school year, I had the honor of serving as Co-Chair with Valerie Muzondi to bring the event to life for the 31st year.

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Art Direction
Exhibit Design

04 Album Design
The goal of this project was to identify an album that I found to be especially intriguing or valuable, whose visual design was lacking. I was then tasked with creating a new visual language based on the concepts and themes of the album, and to present that language through an album cover, posters, Spotify assets, and Instagram posts.

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Fall 2021

05 Ticket to Ride
The goal of this project was to design a board game based on an art or design movement or individual designers. For my game, I chose to redesign Ticket to Ride, a cross-country train adventure game. I based my version off of the original designs of the London Underground, created by Edward Kauffer and Edward Johnston.

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Fall 2021

06 Niche to Norm
The goal of this project was to identify an object of interest, research it, and design a book based around its function, meaning, and significance. For my book I chose the zipper, covering the evolution of its design, cultural relevance, and future. Specifically, I chose to focus on the zipper’s place within niche markets before it entered the mass market and was used widely.

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Fall 2021

07 CarGurus
During the summer of 2021 I completed an internship with CarGurus, an online platform for buying and selling new and used cars. In my position as Graphic Design Intern for the B2B Marketing Department I completed projects that made use of social media, digital advertising, and branding.

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Summer 2021

08 Drift
The goal of this project was to develop an app design that serves a specific purpose or solves a user problem. My app serves the purpose of helping divers find reefs and dive sites in their area. Functions include site reviews, maps, and species guides.

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Spring 2021
Interface Design
User Experience
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